Sunday, December 30, 2012


Last year, Cameron chose to "opt out" of Christmas dinner, he sat in
the back room with a laptop and cocooned.  For whatever reason, it's
what he needed.  We were disappointed, and maybe a little worried it
would happen again this year.  Nah.  He shopped, he wrapped, he
unwrapped (a big deal for a boy afraid to disappoint those who gift to
him), he ate, and he was able to find his Christmas spirit again.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


After days of crazy travel, these boys were happy to get in to PJ's and begin the relaxing that always a goal for our holidays. It's what fueled each of us through the long hours on the road.


Late night chats with a boy and his cat.  One of the things that works so well for us is the ability to be flexible about when we sleep.  I love late night chats with this older child who has so much to figure out.  He can talk and ask and listen and, maybe more importantly, not be interrupted.  And on the flip side I love mornings with just my younger one to play and snuggle.


"Let's do this f@#%ing thing!" 
Seriously, that's what he said while posing for this photo. 

(Photo by Lisa)

This afternoon began our holiday hoopla, 
so much laughter, hilarity, sharing, excitement and a little pride.
How rooted we are here,
how happy we are to be here,
and still we miss the kin and kith from afar.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012


Pfefferkuchen in the house!  Joy!
Those are the Mommy and daughter stars by Ella.
And how poignant, given the stories we shared about the much loved woman who used to make them for me, 
and the kind sister who passed on the recipe.


Touch is important for all human beings, all ages and stages need physical touch.  It took me a while to understand for some brothers that it looks like the sort of wrestling that's hard to declare as play or hurt.  This, these faces are brothers connecting through touch.  And that is a gift of unpriced value.


This morning, while having our morning snuggles, we noticed it was time for an advent calendar chocolate.  He got his calendar and after some talk about which number we were on, and a little blowing of the chocolate horn which was under number 16, he enjoyed his chocolate treat.  I realized this is the first year he's been able to eat just one beautiful chocolate a day.  Each year previous to this, he ate all 24 days worth in one or maybe two sittings.  This year, entirely of his own accord, "you're supposed to eat only one a day until Christmas".  Not that he remembers every day.  In a house where treats are enjoyed and not restricted, he often forgets for a few days that there is even a chocolate waiting for him...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


"Look, I can pose for a picture without taking my eyes off my screen! "
Yup, 8 hours straight of Minecraft  today, so far. This Minecraft girl has been playing for two years now.
We have  attended Minecon, made new friends, baked a creeper cake, hosted a Minecraft party, memorized song parodies, played parkour, capture the flag, Hunger Games, mob arenas and adventure maps galore.
We have installed mods, troubleshooted, youtubed, skyped and googled. We have built, measured, added, texted and spelled. We have survived, died, respawned and teleported. We have gained stuff and lost stuff. We have collaborated and researched and recreated. And we will keep on going as long as this Minecraft girl keeps on playing.


I've said it often this week:
It's hard not to feel loved when I have family and friends that celebrate the day of my birth.
I am so blessed!  Thank you.
(i think almost everything happens around that table)


The boy in this photo is stretching his edges bigger then ever right now. He is pushing, trying and exploding in to a whole new world. It's hard as his parents to keep up sometimes. But it's these moments, the arm around the shoulder moments, when we are all reminded just how much we are right here for each other. Especially when the road is bumpy and not quite how we thought it was gonna be. It's the knowing we have each other that makes it possible to go back out there again.


This cousin is very loved.  I had to choose this week between a picture of my older son helping his cousin play with the computer, or this picture of more love being passed along (for the record, the other one turned out to be out of focus, so this one it is!).  Baelin is taking such joy in learning about this little guy.  Tonight while they played at a family gathering Baelin had his 18 month old cousin giggling at a joke that he did just for him (and again and again, but of course it just got funnier each time).  It was so sweet to see this youngest child learning something he has been struggling with: that these littler-than-us people play just a little different.  Maybe we can't colour together this year, but we sure can pretend that this heating vent is super hot and makes us go "Wowsa!" and jump around (again and again...)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 02, 2012


One of the true "hardships" of this lifestyle, of sharing with our children (beds, space, time) is these moments. Early morning moments when you wonder: how could we live any other way?


I have been cleaning out closets and came across a silky Snow White nightgown in Cooper's room. I smiled, remembering and missing that time he wore it on a daily basis. I held it to my nose to breathe it in, trying to recapture the moment. Then I folded it neatly and put it back in his closet, preserving the memory for another day.


It's been a crazy week with one little thread of commonality -
The board games are back out, collecting us around the table
to pour over today's selection.
This evening we are rocking out to 80's music (thanks Craig:))
After hanging out with some really special people.
(We are clearly so blessed )
We're chatting, nibbling, gaming; each of us with our own unique flair:)

“Tell me again how to make orange? Is it red and yellow? I don’t always remember.” And it’s true he doesn’t but that never ever stops him from asking.
I love that he trusts us to answers with kindness and understanding. Earlier in the week, things in his life got confusing and when we stepped in to help
he said “I am so glad I have you guys to help me figure this out.” These are the moments when I know with total certainty this is the path that best supports us all. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


The first time he shared with me what he wanted to be when he grew up it was “I want to work in a toothpaste factory. I hope I can be the person who puts the caps on the toothpaste. And you will never have to buy toothpaste again cause I’ll bring it home for you.”
Since then there have been many more creative ideas. But on this day he sweetness of that first time rushed back to me when he said, “When I grow up I might not be a soccer player or a guy that event things. I might be dad’s pit crew.”


We just got a new computer, and for the first time the boys can play at the same time.  They have taken this opportunity to pass the Minecraft "virus" from one user to the other!!  Another example of the love being passed from the older to the younger... and then getting passed right back up :)


 (Photo by Ben)

A shout from the kitchen today, as Ben was cracking eggs for french toast: 
"Mom, come and look at the smiley face!" 

Yes, there was a smiley face right there in our measuring jug! 
There was joy at seeing two rainbows this week.
And trying to catch hail.
And there was laughing uproariously at Ella's new terminology of a "kitchen stink"
 The minutiae of everyday life that i just love, that's what i counted this week.
Keep it coming:)

Sunday, November 18, 2012


A change in plans meant we threw an impromptu tea party. 
I'd bought a stash of English candy which we hauled out to enjoy with our scones.
Soon enough we were speaking with faux-English accents, drinking tea with our pinkies in the air, 
and practicing writing our names in Japanese.
And playing with the candy.
I sat next to my boy who was so inspired, he called himself a candy artist.
(He hasn't claimed that kind of creativity since he stopped playing with Lego.)
 He mentioned that he was very particular when it came to this activity.
And delivered this design at the behest of his littlest sister. 
"Love is all you need."

Growing and changing. Shedding baby teeth, and a couple tears...but it's all good.


Here's my little boy dressed up as his version of a murderer. There might have been a time when I found this slightly appalling. After all, he is six. But this guy loves everything scary. His current passions include playing Left 4 Dead, a zombie shooting game and Penumbra, a terrifying horror video game. He enjoys researching and talking about horror movies. Doesn't know if he wants to watch them yet, but I trust he will know when he is ready and I will be there to watch with him, despite my feelings of discomfort. I am intrigued by this interest of his. And at the end of the day when he is snuggled up to me with his stuffed pug, asking me to sing him "Hush Little Baby", I know everything is just right in his world.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


 I opened the door to Frankie's room and found her sleeping under these watchful faces, all carefully placed. I was so touched and overwhelmed. There is an identical photo of me at the age of 9, lying in my bed surrounded by my stuffed dolls. We are more alike than I sometimes realize. Now my mind is swirling with childhood memories. I am trying to remember what it felt like to be 9. On the cusp of puberty, yet still a little girl. She played Playmobil this week, and Left 4 Dead 2. She played imaginary games and printed out lyrics to pop songs so she could sing along. She likes me to pour her milk and wash her hair, and gives me computer advice.  She won't wear pink anymore, but still likes to watch Dora once in a while. Our childhoods are different, hers and mine, yet looking at her sleeping like this, is like looking at myself.


It ain't pretty, this picture.
But on this sunshiney day, which happened to be the very day of my father's birth, 
Dan went to learn about handling a gun.
And shot a gun.
A number of times.
It's such a loaded topic, isn't it?

Journeying along this unschooling path

 allowed Dan to reach and touch one of his dreams.


Photo shooting costuming for the telling of stories. A reminder for me that not every story is told in words. And not every costume needs to be designed by superheroes.


Making soup.  No mom, I don't need a recipe, I know how to make soup.  Some beans, peas, corn, water... magic soup to make you fly.  Don't need a recipe for that.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


This train set belongs to Cameron, and was loved so much he often had trouble playing with it with others. For years it has sat in a closet mostly ignored by his younger brother who did not inherit his love of vehicles. Today, for whatever reason, younger brother brought it out. Cameron wore an unusual little grin when he saw his brother playing trains, and sat down and shared this joy with him in a way he had not been able to when he was younger.


With the American election before us and women's rights being a hot topic, how fitting to Halloween it as two capable, intelligent, independent women. Meet Hermione and Rosie.


Two boys, two 'pods,
one brand new;
double the excitement.
(i can offer a re-enactment of the exuberance IRL, upon request only)
One new x-box game,
double the stretching to fit it into our lives.
(i can't offer a re-enactment of the exuberance IRL, apologies)


One of these boys has a passion for hockey. It has driven him for ten months now. I don't even recognize the skills he has as skater. They have blossomed from wobbly legs to speeding hockey stops and controlled turns. Now he is sharing that passion with his brother. Showing him how to move with comfort on the ice. With in the blink of an eye I have been left behind as the slowest weakest skater.  Truthfully, though it's the vantage point that brings me the most smiles.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


He is always teaching me new ways to see the world. He sees possibilities everywhere he goes. Be it throwing eyeballs on the ceiling or using eyeshadow to make tattoos, he's forever drinking in possibility. Here he takes the camera and captures his face as he swings. I watch and learn to see MORE.


Sometimes there is a reminder, as simple as crossed legs, of just how desperately these people want to be just like us.... A reminder to be present in those moments, so we can smile when they are reflected back to us.


This Dad.

by Kelly and Frankie

This Dad is funny.
This Dad is strong.
This Dad makes money
And sings us a song.

This Dad plays Minecraft,
late into the night.
Burns our grilled cheeses
and holds us real tight.

This Dad will bounce with us,
Play with us, laze with us.
This Dad will laugh with us
Engage with us, hear us.

This Dad will carry us.
And wrestle and romp with us.
This Dad will snuggle us,
Watch with us, talk with us.

This Dad is a great Dad.
This Dad is a late Dad.
This Dad is a hockey loving,
poker playing, tall Dad.

Happy Birthday, this week, to this Dad.


(Photo by Ben)

This is our great-nephew Eli:)  We're so filled up from having him visit!  What joy watching our small fry navigate around a small person again.  People remembered things that had helped when a sibling was younger, toys were brought to cheer him up, things shared to help him get over a bump, such care expressed and evidence of that sense of belonging that comes with hanging with family.  Perhaps the biggest magic was the absolute enchantment from our littlest:)  (If you ever get caught in a trap with her and need to know her password: it's Eli)

Sunday, October 21, 2012


did you know high fives are a group effort? 

my take away message this week ... the joy, the joy!  it's there for the taking.  it's shared when we've apart for the day, it's there when we clean the gutters,  it's there when we need a moment to reconnect. 


 Loss can be so very hard to cycle in to your understanding. Parting gifts such as lessons on how to light a fire and memory celebration can bring joy in. These boys forever remember Gramps when they all on their own light a fire.



This week, we went to the Cowichan river to see the salmon run. As we wandered on the familiar path searching for our old favourite observation spots, I realised that I couldn't remember a year we hadn't gone to see the salmon, often from this very river, often from this very part. It made me realise that sometimes family traditions aren't made in a formal thoughtful kind of way, the way I have often tried in this journey of motherhood. Sometimes traditions are observed. Seen after the fact, after they are already a tradition. I think they might even be more magical, these messy accidental family traditions that just happened....


Cooper, who is 6, loves Yamimash. Yamimash, his youtube name, lives in the UK. He is a young man who reviews scary video games, Minecraft and Pokemon among others. He is very entertaining, curses like a drunken soldier and can keep my boy happy for hours. Cooper decided he wanted to send Yamimash a picture. This is from the kid who never draws. So, we sent this picture to Yamimash featuring the characters from the terrifying game Amnesia, Dark Descent. Much to our delight we got a lovely reply from Yamimash. It was the highlight of Cooper's week! Thank you Yamimash and bless you technology! And...guess who has been drawing pictures ever since?

Sunday, October 14, 2012


 Today I immersed myself in her world. We talked about Harry Potter, made plans for her Dad's upcoming birthday, decided who we would dress up as for Halloween and searched the internet for inspiration, watched Halloween Wars on the Food Network. I watched her play Minecraft and marvelled at what she knows. Today I learned new things about the lovely girl growing alongside me and I learned new things about myself and the best version of me I can offer her. Thank you Frankie.


my plan was to post about my teeny adventure that even involved a wolf-dog dancing across a street.  yet truly, the real encounters with marvel, magic and even mess, all revolved around those day to day happenings that swept me along this week:  a dog game designed and crafted in the late hours of the night, then so carefully housed in an altered box.  a movie that bounded onto the "must have" list.  listening to two boys so engaged with & enthused by a game, negotiating (and negotiating) and planning the purchase a new xbox game.  all the previous practice and guidance served up such joy and more work.  there was happiness over food served, there were hugs in the kitchen, smooches here and there, yoga at midnight, and a healthy dose of more problem solving. did i mention the magic at play? scattered here and there throughout the day, all within easy reach when i turned to *look*


 It rained and it poured
The boys jumped and roared.

Feet left the ground
Laughter the only sound.

And they played till the rain soaked through the clothes


This one is experimenting with expressions. His current fav: awesome face from internet memes. Awesome.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


learning about calm, quiet, and still in an attempt to win the heart of a timid beast...


Magic can happen when mess is okay. My canvas began as a mattress moved to my body and ended in late night experimenting.  Wondering, watching, waiting and discovering in my very own personal way.


her dadda dreamed of her way before she ever came to be born into our family. and she is named for two strong women.  this week marked her 8th birthday and i watched how she was filled up by the stories of her birth, the love from far and near and her own special celebration. the joy just keeps rippling.


I love the sound of kids playing in my house and yard. The sudden shrieks, negotiating, sharing, laughter and sillyness. This Thanksgiving weekend I am thankful for friends. They fill our cups, lift our spirits, share our joy, laugh with us and learn with us.

And when your six year old, who is sitting beside you talking incessantly when you are trying to submit a blog post, says "we made some great memories today Mom", you know life is good.

Now.....back to chatting....

Sunday, September 30, 2012


 I am fiercely courageous as I reach toward my passion. It's bumpy and scary. But oh so worth it.


Whirlwind trip off the island (can you see the stellar scenery in the reflection?) with these amazing beings ...what a delight!  
Got things done, had fun ... and had a sharp lesson in things disappearing.


You never know what you will come across in the wilds of Metchosin. I happened upon these adorable Zombies. They would not like to be known as adorable zombies; terrifying is what they are going for. Being terrified is something these two kindred spirits are exploring together. Scary movies and videos, dark rooms, jumping out at unsuspecting victims, it's all happening here. To take the edge off, they carry around a picture of a pug puppy they named Mr Puggles. It all balances out.


yes, you are old enough to use the laptop, yes, you may take it outside, yes, you may enjoy this day in your pajamas, yes, you may play a computer game on a beautiful summer day, yes, you may have this moment, as timeless as childhood itself....