Monday, July 29, 2013


I think I can declare, for all of us, our real affection for this place we call home. 
There are the familiar spaces and places where we find ourselves
And then the suddenly-new spots we make through necessity or for fun.
We've spent the loveliest week here, all hugger-mugger,
Hanging out, reading, playing hard, swimming, sharing summer fare with those that visited,
And, of course, a daily dose of the soul-necessary dancing-in-the-kitchen.


Very exciting concert this week for all the banjo enthusiasts in our family. We have had so much fun attending concerts as a family, and as the kids are getting older and forming their own musical opinions, it just gets better and better.


Everything is changing while much stays the same. We are moving, dad's office just moved. What we have known of this place that was foreign three years ago and became familiar is now jumbled up again. But the constants still define the parts of how we are are together. Dad's office always requires drawings on the white board and secret messages that will remain there for as long as possible informing those who stop by. The constant is always our connection to one another and how it holds us through the rougher waters.


After 10 awesome days of camping with friends, we were happy to enjoy some solitude. We hibernated this week, played new card games, learned magic tricks, picked blueberries, and rediscovered old toys. We each spent time alone, living in our own heads and special time together in quiet activities. It was a special week, peaceful and reflective.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just home from a week of camping with our tribe in the little town of 
Coombs, famous for its Goats on the Roof market. Our gang of kiddos, 
ranging from 4 to 14, spent most of their time playing Werewolves, a very 
fun group game that no one seemed to tire of. There was a lot of learning, 
laughter, debating, public speaking, moderating, collaborating, strategizing 
and debriefing. And we continue to talk about it here at home as we reflect 
on the memories made this week.

If only I could hand you a share of the joy and wonderment, the enthusiam and diversity, the ease and moving through dis-ease, the absolute fun of being suspended in a space, camping with the most phenomenal of people ...
because honestly, my cup runneth over.


This 11 year old boy of mine keeps going further and further out, exploring the world around him and his place in it, pushing his own personal comfort zone, sometimes pushing me out of mine. It's a wonder to behold.
 It's in the details, the teeny tiny, every piece considered details and then in to the story. The story unfolding to ears ready to listen. And in hearing the story each detail makes sense. In this photo it's the LEGO though I think it is true that seeing the details and hearing the story are at the heart of how we live together. 

Some people just leap in with all their enthusiasm.  Some people hang back and get a feel for something for a bit first.  I have one of each, and am still learning how to help them each in their approach, especially this leaping style as I tend to be the hang back type myself.  This picture, this joy, is why I need to never quelch that fire....

Sunday, July 14, 2013


The Love.  Just that.  This one loves that one, who loves the other,
and the other.... and it muliplies.  Baelin just answered the door,
the neighbour wants to know if he wants to play. He answered he can't
right now because he's playing with his brother.  Melts this mom's
heart.  The Love.


Things are high stress in our house right now. How are we handling it? With slurpees of course. Whenever some one pushes themselves too far any other member of the family may demand a slurpee break. Cause really who can resist sugary cold break. It's the moment, it takes to step out of it all that brings back in to focus what really matters! 


Few things are more fun than hanging with your cousins in a bathroom that doubles as a discotheque.


We're camping this week!....with friends! One of our family favourite annual getaways; a week of lounging, swimming, game playing, eating, laughing and wine sipping with special people. Happy.

Helen many firsts shared with fabulous people. Bliss.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Sometimes the best thing mama can do is fill her own cup to overflowing so she has plenty to give to others.


This week, Baelin rode his two wheeler bike!  What a snapshot of
natural learning.  Nobody taught him how to ride a bike, he learned.
It started when he was 18 months old and got a tricycle and helmet for
Christmas.  He hopped on and went nowhere in particular, backwards
sometimes.  It continued when mom picked up a different style tricycle
at a garage sale for two dollars.  It continued as he got a two
wheeler with training wheels.  It continued as Dad decided to remove
the pedals from a freebie two wheeler to make a cheap balance bike.
He watched his older brother on his bike.  He watched mom and dad on
their bikes.  He rode on our bikes in a baby seat.  All this in
combination with scootering and playing at the playground, and a dozen
other things I didn't realise led to his point.  One day, he said
"Dad, can you remove the training wheels from my bike?  I want to ride
a two wheeler."  Minutes later, he did.  All along the way this
learning didn't look like "learning", it looked like play and joy.


 The hammock is out on the lawn and an old favourite book has been dusted off the shelf. The Lorax was regularly requested by both kids when they were toddlers. So when I looked out the kitchen window to the sight of these boys cozied up, it was like looking into Dumbledore's pensieve, watching a happy memory of days gone by.


Four years ago, this wonder arrived in our lives.

She's a whirlwind and a calm pause,
A giggle and a frown.
She's fun and feisty
and a joy to have around.

Happy birthday, nunu!   


 Geometry, physics, psychology, focus, fun.