Sunday, February 24, 2013


This week we explored a park we haven't been to before.  At one point,
mama needed a break and we found a bench and we laughed about where it
was pointed: at "nothing".  But, curiously, the longer we sat there
the less "nothing" we saw.  This is the tree face that Baelin pointed
out, smiling at us from a tree.  Can you see it?  Or do you see


It’s fruit tree pruning time! 
Here’s Cooper, sporting his new haircut, delivering some water to Chris, 
resident pruner extraordinaire.


That's our boy in orange, stretching his social wings,
at a venue that speaks to him.


A new park. A new group. All made possible by the forever and trusted brother relationship. This is a huge part of the gratitude I have for a life without school, time for this bond to be nurtured.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


 Oh what a week! Full of friendship, exploration and the sharing of passions. These boys are filled up on Frozen yogurt investigating whether or not that is pool water or drinking water. Each with a nose to the water, each with an individual answer, each enjoying the company of the others.



Our eldest has always needed a bit more help/supervision than his
peers.  Mostly, he's okay with it, but sometimes you can tell it gets
to him.  So, to get to a place where he can take our dog for a walk by
himself is a very sweet place to be.



  Frankie and I made this Valentines cake this week. She decorated it in her usual minimalist style with her Hawaiian hair barrette. Then she skipped around the kitchen in delight, because that’s how she rolls when there’s a cake. We enticed our boys, including our friend Finn, into the kitchen for afternoon “tea” (which was really coffee for some and milk for others) and our cake of awesomeness. Some people brought their weapons to the event, which was totally not following with the theme, but whatchya gonna do?



Today, with my hands deep in the sink, 
I realized that really this week had been about stories.
Stories narrated with new words by the youngest, 
Stories read to the many,
Stories read to me.
Stories told about beginnings and love,
Stories about Oma and Opa to keep them alive.
Stories that were left after people exited a room,
Stories I told myself,
And stories to the ones I love.
I love you lots, like jelly tots!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Gung Hei Fat Choy!
I love that we have traditions surroundings these events... a plan of sorts!
And that even if the crowds at the actual celebrations are crazy,
there are things that make it worthwhile for everyone to attend.
So we embrace the good-luck red, this year's serpent, Pocky treats, Hainese Chicken and sharing it with new faces ... and missing those who have shared it with us before.


Here is a boy free to eat what he wants choosing to make himself a fruit filled smoothie. He has discovered on his terms how best to fuel his body. Trial, error and true understanding.


Creative writing 101 for 5 year olds. Unschooling style.


My favourite holiday photo. We loved hitting the surf at sunset, usually after gaming all day. Each one of my peeps has their own special way of stepping into the ocean. One with gusto, one slow and steady, another with trepidation.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


We are on a family vacation in Maui, enjoying some very special times together without distraction. I have often come upon my two like this, arms around each other in deep conversation. This is my holiday highlight.



 Someone recently spoke of weaving love and plentifulness into every fabric of her home
And this week,
I woke each morning, itchy or not, to recounting my gratitude, 
sending love and and thinking of peace lining our home.
What was interesting was hearing my reflector talk about his week and mention how peaceful it had been.


This boy, on his rollerblades with a cape reminds me of the magic of play. He was lost in a world I couldn’t see while also keeping one foot firmly planted in this world. And this multiplied both of our joy. Him free to be and me free to witness it. 
