Sunday, March 31, 2013


This week I am so grateful for a sweet husband who massages his wife's sore feet.  And even more grateful for little hands inheriting this sweetness.



Sun, daffodils, new spring dress, a Harry Potter themed treasure hunt, a Scooby Doo graphic book, a home baked carrot cake shaped like a bunny, dinner at the My Chosen Cafe and a few recorded episodes of Shark Tank = one happy girl.



  the days she is super busy playing her heart out

mean that i miss her presence so much.


hugs, kisses and snuggles whenever i can get them,

and plethora of photo's.



If a tree falls and there are no kids around to bounce on its branches, it would still be a reminder of how fragile and fleeting and unexpected and beautiful life can be, sometimes all at once.



It is so true that we know ourselves through the stories we tell. I think it is also true that a friendship strengthens through the stories we share. These three enjoy nothing more then “let’s tell stories” and the antics that unfold after.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Is there anything sweeter then a secret kept that brings to visit a missed person? This week we did just that for one young boy who was absolutely surprised by the arrival of the person he calls Nani. And then the true sweetness began. The reconnecting of moments that once were alongside the creation of memories that will always be. A much needed rekindling of a truly treasured kinship. 


Is there anything better to do with a sunbeam than curl up with a book?






A highlight this week was an afternoon at Miniature World and a seafood lunch out with our friends Jeni and Finn. Cooper was enthralled with the WW2 displays. As we approached the end of the displays, the power went out, leaving us in pitch darkness. We were given free passes for the inconvenience, which was really more of an added bonus of excitement. We cant wait to go back. Much more fun than any of us anticipated.





(picture via some random woman we waved down on the street rather than use the tripod.  we like to live on the wild side, we do.)

 Hello!  Family!

After 8 years apart, 

we're all together again! 

And the love surrounding us

leaves me so thankful. 

Blessed be.




As is widely joked in Chicago, there are really only two seasons here: winter and road construction. It's too early for the road construction season to be in full swing, but there are several house constructions underway, and we have been diligently checking in on them. I suppose watching houses go up (and sometimes watching houses come down) is a way of marking the passing of time and change. It's especially fun when we manage to sneak into a site and explore it a bit further. And who can resist a playground full of balance beams? I love how these two boys explore things together, how Otto follows in Max's footsteps (and sometimes vice versa).

Monday, March 18, 2013


We like any excuse to celebrate a holiday, the wackier the better. But even for us this was a busy week: National Pi Day (celebrating our irrational love of blueberry pie), National Popcorn Lover's Day (hey, isn't this every day?), The Ides of March (beware of those! wait, what exactly are those?), and St. Patrick's Day. When you live in a city that dyes its river green in honor of the patron saint of the Irish, it's hard not to get excited about that last one. Especially when the celebration involves wearing silly hats and bow ties and green beads


When a movie comes available for rent it is often worth watching 3 times in a 24 hour period. Yet it can also be said that the true magic may lie in the dance party that is inspired by the post movie credits. 



 This one is fascinated with youtube tutorial videos, and with the making of them.  I look at this picture and I hear: "Hey! Welcome back to Baelin's Great Adventures!" afterwards you are introduced to many great and wonderful things including house and car trip tours, pets, and of course, gameplay videos.  "Thanks for watching!  If you enjoyed this video, click the subscribe button.  Good bye!"


She prefers being at home and needs lots of time alone. She is quiet and observant, thoughtful and sensitive. She prefers small groups and for things to never change. She is anxious amid strangers and small talk. She only likes to leave the house for her beloved drama class. Here she is as Daphne, alongside Velma (Fenna), after her drama group grande finale performance of Scooby Doo and the Mystery of the Frozen Tropics. I watched her confidently act her part, saying her lines loud and proud, her long legs striding across the "stage" and I'm thinking......"WTF?"
I just love these surprises.


(picture via Adrian)

We've been sprucing up for spring (and visitors)
(And don't let me near the pressure washer - I don't know when to stop!)
We celebrated St Paddy's day with spuds, ice-cream and a small pot o' chocolate-gold on top.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


"Your kids are too attached to you", someone close to me said recently. 
And I'm like..."You jelly bro?"


Perched a top a concrete slide looking down. I can’t help but breathe in this very moment. I am sure it was just yesterday that neither of these boys would agree to climb this high and that their feet were a fraction of this size. It’s a reminder of how fast the moments pass and how important it is to keep on saying YES to the adventure. 


A classic childhood moment.  Two brothers swinging on a tire swing in the good outdoors.  What you can't hear is them singing: "do you like my sword sword? My diamond sword sword?." I love when these classic moments meet our modern lives.  They don't need to be at odds, videogames and playgrounds...


Oh, the conversations this week!
 There were thoughts that moved me,
Discourse that invigorated,
Words that filled my heart.
It was an amazing week.
But the huddle of boys, big and small, just thrilled me through and through.


Sunday, March 3, 2013


Celebrating the man we love with a weekend of sun, snow and swimming


This is step (approx) 2,843 in a model train table layout.  To get to
this point it has taken so much learning, patience, questions, trust,
compromise, and a constant re-balance between pushing forward, and
backing off.  We have had other model train tables, which have been
part of the journey, and there will be more in our future I'm sure.  I
think we can!


Yup, I am 44 today. Last night, I was treated like royalty at a family dinner hosted by my charming sister Judy and her uber awesome partner, Bill. They are all-stars at hosting and food preparation. I was showered with lovely gifts, creative homemade cards and many glasses of wine. So, here I am, last night, as happy as a clam (clams give the appearance of smiling when they are open). Today, I am a clam with a hangover. Nothing a little pink bubbly wine won't cure. So I sit here, writing this, bubbly in hand, my vase of tulips by my side, Chris and Frankie icing a cake in the foreground. What more could a happy clam want?


When life slows down enough to make room for an entire day of Pajamas. It really only makes sense to up the bliss by adding a chocolate fondue to the mix. Time to be relax and be happy is what can make space for pure awesome to unfold.