Sunday, April 7, 2013


My family came for a belated Easter brunch today. I usually get a little anxiety about these visits, mostly about keeping up appearances. You know, clean house, beds made, kids who look like they didn't just roll out of bed as the clan rolls down the driveway. The other day, Helen shared how she has been missing her family who live afar and beyond and I realized how I needed to appreciate the family I have here and now. And worrying about the little things that really don't matter was eroding the joy. This time, I didn't sweat it. I focused on making a yummy meal and planning some games we could all play together and less on the state of the house and the kids unclipped fingernails and unkempt hair. I focused on creating a special time for all of us to connect and make another memory together. Frankie joined me in the preparation, getting up earlier than usual on her own accord to set the table using her typical flair. And what a great afternoon it was! Good food, lots of hugs and story sharing and a rousing game of Dixit. Thank you Helen.



 (fisheye by Margaretha Burnett)

There are some places where I trust we will be gathered and loved;

where community feels tangible.

We hung out here on Friday,

in this special spot that Kelly has created.

And though you're only seeing the smallest slice of the people-pie,

  I am so grateful for collected all here!  

I have felt such support and caring.

Thank you, Kelly, for making it all happen:)


We had several warm, sunny days this week, giving us the opportunity to go on bike rides, play in the park and spend time in the back yard, just hanging out with the chickens. We even had our first al fresco dining experience of the spring. We discussed our spring and summer plans for the back yard: to plant a garden, to grill out more often, to have another yard sale, to pack picnic lunches. I love these moments when we remember what we love most about each season, reminiscing about past adventures and planning all sorts of future fun.



 These three boys steal my heart one moment at a time, each day we share. Today was especially magic as we found places outside to hike and chat, to explore and mostly to reconnect. Each of us is stronger when we know our web includes these tight connections.


Excited to make things grow, passing on skills through the generations...


  1. hey I like this ... laying more building blocks of your lives.

  2. yes, we are. and sometimes we don't say enough how much we appreciate the people who are our community:)

  3. Lovely how Spring warms up hearts and gets us outside together. Congrats Kelly on making that shift girl. Great going.
