Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 06, 2013


An artist is born! 
After 7 years of zero interest in picking up a pencil, this boy is creating up to 30 artist trading cards a day. Here he is with a day's worth of artwork, posing alongside Fat Cat, a new friend he was gifted this week.


Today I was offered help to make supper by the tallest one "because it would be fun,"
and the middler emptied the dishwasher because he saw it needed to be done.
The girl made hot drinks "because they would be perfect" after the walk.
I remembered the advice that I should "make them help"
and thought that though i do ask sometimes,
they offer when they feel free to do so.


17 days on the road filled with friendship and laughter. They remind me that friendship isn't necessarily an everyday sort of thing. It's more like a right now in the moment sort of treasure to be visit whenever possible.


This stunning Lego creation consists of a water blaster, a fire shooter, a water tank, and (perhaps obviously) a bowl of soup.  Blast off!