Tabitha, Helen, Kelly
(photo by Shahriar Khan)
I spy with my little eye
Three bloggers and a tribe.
Our sweet Lilli is home again with us, after a terrible scare (rushed to
the ER for a blood transfusion due to severe anemia). We weren't sure
she would even survive the night. It's so nice to see her back in her
favorite spot, modeling the latest in poodle haute couture. It's amazing
how much love and concern we have for our four legged friends, and how
sad we were to think she might not make it. I know it's something we
will someday have to face. This small brush with the possibility of her
death gave us a lot of time to discuss how we would handle a serious
illness in our dog, and to talk about serious illness in people, to
think about the choices we must all make with regard to our own care,
and for the care for those we love. It was a challenging but really
profound week for all of us.
This boy grew up a little more this week, turning nine. He created his
day to be just what he wanted. Saying all day how awesome it was. He
oozed gratitude and celebration. It was a joy to witness this.
Oh! I want to be in that tribe! (Or, more accurately, WITH that tribe!) Love to you all!