Monday, July 8, 2013


Sometimes the best thing mama can do is fill her own cup to overflowing so she has plenty to give to others.


This week, Baelin rode his two wheeler bike!  What a snapshot of
natural learning.  Nobody taught him how to ride a bike, he learned.
It started when he was 18 months old and got a tricycle and helmet for
Christmas.  He hopped on and went nowhere in particular, backwards
sometimes.  It continued when mom picked up a different style tricycle
at a garage sale for two dollars.  It continued as he got a two
wheeler with training wheels.  It continued as Dad decided to remove
the pedals from a freebie two wheeler to make a cheap balance bike.
He watched his older brother on his bike.  He watched mom and dad on
their bikes.  He rode on our bikes in a baby seat.  All this in
combination with scootering and playing at the playground, and a dozen
other things I didn't realise led to his point.  One day, he said
"Dad, can you remove the training wheels from my bike?  I want to ride
a two wheeler."  Minutes later, he did.  All along the way this
learning didn't look like "learning", it looked like play and joy.


 The hammock is out on the lawn and an old favourite book has been dusted off the shelf. The Lorax was regularly requested by both kids when they were toddlers. So when I looked out the kitchen window to the sight of these boys cozied up, it was like looking into Dumbledore's pensieve, watching a happy memory of days gone by.


Four years ago, this wonder arrived in our lives.

She's a whirlwind and a calm pause,
A giggle and a frown.
She's fun and feisty
and a joy to have around.

Happy birthday, nunu!   


 Geometry, physics, psychology, focus, fun.

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