On a happiness-high,
20 years into this marriage-thing.
It used to be a regular sight to see Max and Otto playing with these trucks, but the trucks have been boxed up for four years or so, sitting in the basement, awaiting future orders. I took them out to Indiana, wondering if they might be rediscovered there, and that was exactly what happened this afternoon. The boys pulled them out and cleaned them all. They made cement. They dug in the mulch. Max remarked with a bit of surprise that it was still so fun to play with them. I am astonished to realize that I look at this photo and clearly see my 6 and 3 year old playing right inside my 11 and 8 year old, with so many of the same expressions, gestures and feelings. The hair is longer, and the legs are too, but the intentions are so much the same.
much of this journey is about creating a space for each of us to seek
out and find our passion. The places that inspire and ignite our
spirits. For this boy that is often found in places like this. “Sorry
mom but this is my home now. I am moving in to this tree.” These are
the moments I am grateful to be witness to.
Seen today at the annual Nanaimo model railroading show. At one time we
called Cameron our little trainman. Not so little anymore, but still
our trainman.
This week Cooper wanted to earn some extra money. His allowance was long
spent and he desperately wanted to pre order a PC game. He tried
various household jobs I offered him; emptying the dishwasher,
vacuuming. He did these tasks half heartedly, finding them tedious, and
eventually abandoning them. Today, he helped his Dad stack wood and
discovered a job he truly enjoys. He worked for 2 hours stacking and
lifting, all the while chatting away happily. The game is ordered, with a
little left over for the next wish, and a very happy little man is
still basking in a glow of personal satisfaction.
Great snippets of life again - thanks for sharing. Congratulations Helen. Best wishes for the next 20.