Monday, April 29, 2013


And when your friend lives too far away to visit why not play Pokeman via Skype. The sheer brilliance of how they troubleshoot distance with technology, always thinking "yes we can," amazes me.


The magic of being woken up at 5 am (or wandering downstairs from where you were waiting) to meet your minutes old little brother...

 This week was marked by Cooper"s sudden desire to play soccer. Here he is at his first ever organized anything. He has since been spotted on the lawn every day since, kicking the ball. A new passion is born.
Note the lovely co-coach, Margaretha, on the left


no great pic this week, 
just a happy reminder of the conversation that has been rife around the table this week.
i've been the observer, the chatting, joking and laughing swirling around me.
and with the dishwasher on the fritz,
there have been gatherings around the sinks
with the littlest on rinse detail,
the tallest participating with poise,
the middlers really enjoying the water, the contribution and community this all offers.
the grace through it all amazes me. 


We have spent the last week in Tennessee visiting my parents. As often happens, I was so caught up in being with them that I forgot to take pictures. I'm so glad I had my camera on hand for this moment, when the sun came out for the first time after a particularly rainy weekend, and we all basked in the sun and each other.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Otto got his first haircut since June 2010 (when I cut what I thought was the tiniest bit, but when dry, was an awful lot). And what is more, he trusted our longtime hairdresser Wendy with the job. His first ever "professional" haircut, the fourth haircut of his entire life. And he is quite happy with the results. Still long, just less tangly.


Green lantern in a potato shape! This is the magic of chalk and group creativity. We left that park with the combined offerings of a group sharing their unique abilities.



There were eight laptops going on Friday and eight happy kids mining and building and laughing and sharing and collaborating and helping one another.
And in other parts of the home and garden, there were 10 more kids, wrestling, nerfing, gaming, crafting, eating, talking, running, tagging, hiding, finding and bouncing.
Free to be themselves, loved for who they are, and learning all the time.=)


For once, the photographer is photographed:)  
We gathered this week to celebrate Tabitha,
as she prepares to welcome her third babe.
There is something so powerful in being surrounded with other women,
in being together to support and honour,
in standing together.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


On a happiness-high,
20 years into this marriage-thing.


It used to be a regular sight to see Max and Otto playing with these trucks, but the trucks have been boxed up for four years or so, sitting in the basement, awaiting future orders. I took them out to Indiana, wondering if they might be rediscovered there, and that was exactly what happened this afternoon. The boys pulled them out and cleaned them all. They made cement. They dug in the mulch. Max remarked with a bit of surprise that it was still so fun to play with them. I am astonished to realize that I look at this photo and clearly see my 6 and 3 year old playing right inside my 11 and 8 year old, with so many of the same expressions, gestures and feelings. The hair is longer, and the legs are too, but the intentions are so much the same.

So much of this journey is about creating a space for each of us to seek out and find our passion. The places that inspire and ignite our spirits. For this boy that is often found in places like this. “Sorry mom but this is my home now. I am moving in to this tree.” These are the moments I am grateful to be witness to.

Seen today at the annual Nanaimo model railroading show.  At one time we called Cameron our little trainman. Not so little anymore, but still our trainman.

 This week Cooper wanted to earn some extra money. His allowance was long spent and he desperately wanted to pre order a PC game. He tried various household jobs I offered him; emptying the dishwasher, vacuuming. He did these tasks half heartedly, finding them tedious, and eventually abandoning them. Today, he helped his Dad stack wood and discovered a job he truly enjoys. He worked for 2 hours stacking and lifting, all the while chatting away happily. The game is ordered, with a little left over for the next wish, and a very happy little man is still basking in a glow of personal satisfaction.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


My family came for a belated Easter brunch today. I usually get a little anxiety about these visits, mostly about keeping up appearances. You know, clean house, beds made, kids who look like they didn't just roll out of bed as the clan rolls down the driveway. The other day, Helen shared how she has been missing her family who live afar and beyond and I realized how I needed to appreciate the family I have here and now. And worrying about the little things that really don't matter was eroding the joy. This time, I didn't sweat it. I focused on making a yummy meal and planning some games we could all play together and less on the state of the house and the kids unclipped fingernails and unkempt hair. I focused on creating a special time for all of us to connect and make another memory together. Frankie joined me in the preparation, getting up earlier than usual on her own accord to set the table using her typical flair. And what a great afternoon it was! Good food, lots of hugs and story sharing and a rousing game of Dixit. Thank you Helen.



 (fisheye by Margaretha Burnett)

There are some places where I trust we will be gathered and loved;

where community feels tangible.

We hung out here on Friday,

in this special spot that Kelly has created.

And though you're only seeing the smallest slice of the people-pie,

  I am so grateful for collected all here!  

I have felt such support and caring.

Thank you, Kelly, for making it all happen:)


We had several warm, sunny days this week, giving us the opportunity to go on bike rides, play in the park and spend time in the back yard, just hanging out with the chickens. We even had our first al fresco dining experience of the spring. We discussed our spring and summer plans for the back yard: to plant a garden, to grill out more often, to have another yard sale, to pack picnic lunches. I love these moments when we remember what we love most about each season, reminiscing about past adventures and planning all sorts of future fun.



 These three boys steal my heart one moment at a time, each day we share. Today was especially magic as we found places outside to hike and chat, to explore and mostly to reconnect. Each of us is stronger when we know our web includes these tight connections.


Excited to make things grow, passing on skills through the generations...