Sunday, February 24, 2013


This week we explored a park we haven't been to before.  At one point,
mama needed a break and we found a bench and we laughed about where it
was pointed: at "nothing".  But, curiously, the longer we sat there
the less "nothing" we saw.  This is the tree face that Baelin pointed
out, smiling at us from a tree.  Can you see it?  Or do you see


It’s fruit tree pruning time! 
Here’s Cooper, sporting his new haircut, delivering some water to Chris, 
resident pruner extraordinaire.


That's our boy in orange, stretching his social wings,
at a venue that speaks to him.


A new park. A new group. All made possible by the forever and trusted brother relationship. This is a huge part of the gratitude I have for a life without school, time for this bond to be nurtured.

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