Sunday, November 11, 2012


 I opened the door to Frankie's room and found her sleeping under these watchful faces, all carefully placed. I was so touched and overwhelmed. There is an identical photo of me at the age of 9, lying in my bed surrounded by my stuffed dolls. We are more alike than I sometimes realize. Now my mind is swirling with childhood memories. I am trying to remember what it felt like to be 9. On the cusp of puberty, yet still a little girl. She played Playmobil this week, and Left 4 Dead 2. She played imaginary games and printed out lyrics to pop songs so she could sing along. She likes me to pour her milk and wash her hair, and gives me computer advice.  She won't wear pink anymore, but still likes to watch Dora once in a while. Our childhoods are different, hers and mine, yet looking at her sleeping like this, is like looking at myself.


It ain't pretty, this picture.
But on this sunshiney day, which happened to be the very day of my father's birth, 
Dan went to learn about handling a gun.
And shot a gun.
A number of times.
It's such a loaded topic, isn't it?

Journeying along this unschooling path

 allowed Dan to reach and touch one of his dreams.


Photo shooting costuming for the telling of stories. A reminder for me that not every story is told in words. And not every costume needs to be designed by superheroes.


Making soup.  No mom, I don't need a recipe, I know how to make soup.  Some beans, peas, corn, water... magic soup to make you fly.  Don't need a recipe for that.

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