
I am fiercely courageous as I reach toward my passion. It's bumpy and scary. But
oh so worth it.
Whirlwind trip off the island (can you see the stellar scenery in the reflection?) with these amazing beings ...what a delight!
Got things done, had fun ... and had a sharp lesson in things disappearing.
never know what you will come across in the wilds of Metchosin. I happened upon
these adorable Zombies. They would not like to be known as adorable zombies;
terrifying is what they are going for. Being terrified is something these two
kindred spirits are exploring together. Scary movies and videos, dark rooms,
jumping out at unsuspecting victims, it's all happening here. To take the edge
off, they carry around a picture of a pug puppy they named Mr Puggles. It all
balances out.
yes, you are old enough to use the laptop, yes, you may take it outside, yes,
you may enjoy this day in your pajamas, yes, you may play a computer game on a
beautiful summer day, yes, you may have this moment, as timeless as childhood